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How to Quit Cigarette Smoking

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The world loses close to half a million of its population annually to cigarette smoking. Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable deaths. This is not the surprising bit though. There is a lot of data cautioning people about the dangers of smoking cigarettes. The surprise lies in that close to seventy percent of the smokers are trying their best to quit. You should be happy that there are a number of ways that you can end up succeeding in this fight. It is really hard to quit smoking because of the nicotine addiction. The chances that you will fail at this are high when you are operating blindly but with proper details on how to overcome the addiction you have a real shot. no matter what you do, you shouldn't forget about nicotine replacement therapy. This is what making cigarette smoking addictive. Cold turkey method in quitting smoking will have you dealing with withdrawals which are not pretty and this is likely to cause a relapse.

If you are on non-tobacco replacement therapy, the probability that your efforts will bear fruits is high. You can get the replacement in the form of sprays, lozenges, patches, as well as gum. The therapy can also be in the form of e-vapes which are just like cigarettes and you will end up getting the nicotine and avoid the carcinogenic compounds in cigarettes. There is also the option of asking your physician for a prescription too. However, there are prescription medications that can make withdrawal symptoms bearable. You can also try using hemp. Studies have shown that the use of CBD and reduce the cigarettes you are smoking in a given time up to 40%. With low side effects and a lot of benefits, this is a great choice for those who are looking to quit smoking and you can check these to learn more.

CBD comes from hemp and it has no psychoactive effects. It relieves inflammation, anxiety and also pain. You can get it as vape oil, edible, gel capsule or tincture. It is important to be patient and kind to yourself while on this journey and you can learn more here. The desire to quit will not mean the process will be easy. The addiction might be in your genes and you can view here for more. This means you will be going against your genetic coding when you are trying to quit the habit. Your brain will already have internalized the pattern as well. Just click here for more info.